By Megan Abbott
I just finished this book and would say that it was okay. I did not fall in love with it, however I can say that I found myself wanting to keep reading to see what happens next.
So, basically the story is about two girls in high school who become inadvertent friends through shared interests but have nothing in common otherwise. One is told a horrible secret by the other and is forced to keep this secret for years, until fate brings them together in their adult life. A series of events unfold and the main character (Kit) finds that she is continuously having to keep secrets and lies because of this woman in her life.
I liked the concept of the storyline, but was a bit disappointed with the way it unfolded. I found that the situation that the main character was placed in was a bit unrealistic. I didn’t understand why she just didn’t do the right thing. There was nothing stopping her from doing what needed to be done with no repercussions, either in the beginning of the story or the end, but then there wouldn’t be much of a story then right? :) I found it a bit odd how the two main people were connected at the end of the story, kind of like a last minute afterthought. I think it would have been a great part of the storyline to expand on, maybe giving the one character more of a backstory as to why she was so introverted.
I would not necessarily give it a thumbs up, but it wasn't a thumbs down either. Kinda middle of the road and an okay read.